Apogee II, archival pigment
print, 30 1/8 x 30 7/8, from Cross Section series
Inside a mitt shape, a whiffle ball as a satellite moon
of Earth and a future-shock emoji face
witnessing climate change.
©2004 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
earth image courtesy of Earth
Sciences and Image Analysis Lab, NASA Johnson Space Center.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original
outer space images themselves.
Pop, archival pigment
print, 19 7/8 x 28 1/2, from Cross Section series
A delicate bubble in the sky inside the abstracted shape
of my fathers hat.
©2001 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
images themselves.
Spent, archival pigment
print, 20 3/8 x 15 3/8
from Cross Section series
A fire inferno inside of the shape of a melting snowman.
©2000 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Hat Trick 2, cut intaglio
etching & relief roll on paper
16 ½ x 9, from Mirror, Mirror series
A simulated face inside the silhouette of a rabbit. The
is a reference to pulling a rabbit out of a hat.
©1998 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes
and additions to the outer space images, but not on the
original outer space
images themselves.
Pioneer 7, unique etching
collage on paper
13 3/4 x 9 3/4. from Mirror, Mirror series
A ghost head and desert images simulate a striding figure.
©1998 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Im Fine, Really, unique
etching on paper
14 3/8 x 9 1/2, from Personae series
A burning house and desert rock formation simulate a face.
©1998 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Alchera, oil on photo
emulsion on paper
41 5/8 x 26 3/8 x 1 ½, from Personae series
A solar flare, splashing rocks, and desert rock formation
simulate a face.
©1990 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on rock and water images, hand-coloring,
and on changes and additions to original, sunstorm image
courtesy of Herman Dittmer.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and
additions to the outer space images, but not on the original
outer space images
Reverie, oil on photo
emulsion on paper
67 x 33 7/8 x 1 Ό, from Personae series
Tornado, bent metal, & ring nebula simulate a face.
©1990 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved on center image, hand
coloring, and changes and additions to originals, tornado
courtesy of National Severe Storms Lab, and Ring Nebula
courtesy of Herman Dittmer.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the
changes and additions to the outer space images, but not
on the
original outer space images themselves.
Big A.P. 4, etching on
19 x 7 1/2, from Personae series
A Mt. St. Helens ash cloud, ravaged
driftwood, & a galaxy simulate a face.
©1988 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on center image, hand
coloring, and on changes and additions to originals, galaxy
courtesy of Herman Dittmer, and Mt. St. Helens eruption
courtesy of USGS.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted,
and on the changes and additions to the outer space
images, but not on the original outer space images themselves.
Compact 2 , Cibachrome,
cosmetic compact, picture jasper
2 1/2" x 3 1/8 x 3 1/4, from Personae series
An image of the Pleaides as the mirror image in a cosmetic
©1990 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, except on Pleaides image used with permission
of Herman Dittmer.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on
the original outer space images themselves.
Rock, Paper, Scissors,
©Barbara Noah, Plexiglas, lights, timers, 82 high
3 of 7 windows for the Canal Substation, Seattle
Some of the silhouettes representing various forms of power
(here physical power) in the windows of an electrical facility.
©1985 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Love, Plexiglas, lights,
timers, 82 high
1 of 7 windows for the Canal Substation, Seattle
A silhouette in the window of an electrical substation as
1 of 7 windows representing
various forms of power, in this case, Love.
©1985 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images,
but not on the original outer space images themselves.
Earth As Bowling Ball II,
oil on photo emulsion on linen, 72 x 72
The Earth transformed into a bowling ball or panicky emoji
face, revolving in more ways than
one, and headed for a strike or climate change calamity.
©1983 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, Earth
image courtesy of NASA.
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not
on the original outer space images themselves.
Refugees, oil on photo
emulsion on linen, enamel on clay, wood, 21 5/8 x 61 x
3 7/8
From Tampering with Evidence series; migrating anthropomorphic
rock formations in 2D and 3D unison.
©1980 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Evidence of Body Language
& Other Lines of Communication
oil on photo emulsion on linen, enamel, clay, wood, copper
powder, wax, 21 5/8 x 61 x 3 7/8
From Tampering with Evidence series; anthropomorphic
rocks, lines of force, and figuration beneath a copper sky.
©1979 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.