• ©2004 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited earth image courtesy of Earth
    Sciences and Image Analysis Lab, NASA Johnson Space Center.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to the outer space images, but not on the original
    outer space images themselves.

  • ©2001 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to the outer space images, but not on the original outer space
    images themselves.

  • ©2000 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to
    the outer space images, but not on the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1998 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes
    and additions to the outer space images, but not on the original outer space
    images themselves.


  • ©1998 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to
    the outer space images, but not on the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1998 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
    to the outer space images, but not on the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1990 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved, on rock and water images, hand-coloring,
    and on changes and additions to original, sunstorm image courtesy of Herman Dittmer.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and
    additions to the outer space images, but not on the original outer space images

  • ©1990 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved on center image, hand
    coloring, and changes and additions to originals, tornado image
    courtesy of National Severe Storms Lab, and Ring Nebula image
    courtesy of Herman Dittmer.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the
    changes and additions to the outer space images, but not on the
    original outer space images themselves.


  • ©1988 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved, on center image, hand
    coloring, and on changes and additions to originals, galaxy image
    courtesy of Herman Dittmer, and Mt. St. Helens eruption image
    courtesy of USGS.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted,
    and on the changes and additions to the outer space
    images, but not on the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1990 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved, except on Pleaides image used with permission of Herman Dittmer.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to the outer space images, but not on
    the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1985 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to the outer space images, but not on the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1985 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to the outer space images,
    but not on the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1983 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, Earth image courtesy of NASA.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to the outer space images, but not
    on the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1980 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to the outer space images, but not on the original outer space images themselves.

  • ©1979 Barbara Noah, all rights reserved.


    ©Barbara Noah on the text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions to the outer space images, but not on the original outer space images themselves.