The Goldilocks Problem,
archival pigment print, 26.42 x 30.86
Goldilocks and a threatened bear species holding its breath
flee to hunt for a home that is not too hot,
not too cold, but just right.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Helix Nebula background image courtesy of NASA,
NOAO, ESA, the Hubble Helix Team, M. Meixner (STScI) and
T.A. Rector (NRAO).
The Goldilocks Problem (detail),
archival pigment print, 26.42 x 30.86
Goldilocks and a threatened bear species holding its breath
flee to hunt for a home that is
not too hot, not too cold, but just right.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Helix Nebula background image courtesy of NASA,
NOAO, ESA, the Hubble Helix Team, M. Meixner (STScI) and
T.A. Rector (NRAO).
When You Wish 2, archival
pigment print, 24.3 x 25.4
A galactic ball and some jacks as a planet and stars upon
which to make a wish or engage
in wishful thinking.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
M83 spiral galaxy background image
courtesy of NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage team (STScI/AURA).
Hat Trick 3 , archival
pigment print, 37 x 30.1 or 24 x 19.56
A twisty balloon threatened rabbit refugee and its vehicle
hunt for a new home
in the Carina Nebula.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Nebula background image courtesy of NASA, ESA, N. Smith
(U.C. Berkeley), and the
Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA).
Hat Trick 3 (detail),
archival pigment print, 37 x 30.1 or 24 x 19.56
A twisty balloon threatened rabbit refugee and its vehicle
hunt for a new home in the
Carina Nebula.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Nebula background image courtesy of NASA, ESA, N. Smith
(U.C. Berkeley), and the
Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA).
Tossed and Turned, archival
pigment print, 19.25 x 17.25 or 18 x 16.13
A tossed hat enters orbit over the rising heat of a turning
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original pre-edited
Earth image courtesy of NASA.
Ninth, archival pigment
print, 37.4 x 28.5
A twisty balloon threatened cat species holds its breath
and rises over
the heat of the Earth.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Earth background image courtesy of NASA-MODIS
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer
space images, but not on the original outer space images
Toss and Turn, archival
pigment print, 29 x 28.75 (Other sizes may be available.)
Two tossed hats enter orbit over the rising heat of a turning
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Earth image courtesy of NASA.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not
on the original outer space images themselves.
Howl, archival pigment
print, 18 x 16"
A twisty balloon threatened dog species holds its breath
as it orbits Earth.
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Earth background
image courtesy of NASA.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images,
but not on the original outer space images themselves.
High Hopes (For Sound Transit),
archival pigment print, 9.5 x 17.25
A paper plane rising over the heat of the Earth glides over
the Pacific Northwest. Rise and Fall The rise and fall of
species, tides, orbits, and civilizations.
©2020 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original Earth
courtesy of MODIS Rapid Response Team, Visible Earth, NASA.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not
on the original outer space images themselves.
Rise and Fall, archival
pigment print, 16.6 x 32.5 (Other sizes may be available).
The rise and fall of breathing, species, tides, orbits,
and civilizations.
©2021 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
background images courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image Analysis
Lab, NASA Johnson Space Center.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the
outer space images, but not on the original outer space
images themselves.
Toss 2, archival pigment
print, 20.5 x 20.1 or 16.27 x 16
A tossed hat rises over the heat of a hurricane.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Earth background image courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image
Analysis Lab, NASA Johnson
Space Center.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the
outer space images, but not on the original outer space
images themselves.
Guardian Angel (O3),
archival pigment print, 16 x 16.67
Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn, aligned with Earth in syzygy,
form a guardian angel in the form of a snowman
and/or a protective atmospheric ozone molecule (O3).
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Jupiter image courtesy of NASA,
ESA: Mars courtesy of USGS Astrogeology Science Center:
Saturn courtesy of NASA, JPL, Caltech, Space Science Institute;
and Earth image courtesy of NASA, image by Norman Kuring,
NASAs Ocean Biology Processing Group using Suomi NPP data.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on
the original outer space images themselves.
Giant, archival pigment
print, 20.25 x 15.25 or 24.3 x 18.3
A twisty balloon threatened elephant holds its breath and
drifts upward
over the heat of the Grand Canyon.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Earth background image courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image
Analysis lab, NASA Johnson
Space Center.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the
outer space images, but not on the original outer space
images themselves.
Revolution 2, archival
pigment print, 29 x 28.75 (Other sizes may be available.)
Earth as a revolving bowling ball & shocked emoji face inspired
by polar wander of Earths
axis and rotation due to climate change.
©2017 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
Earth image courtesy of NASA
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not
on the original outer space images themselves.
No Place Like Home (Vesta),
archival pigment print, 6 5/8 x 4 5/16
An encounter with the asteroid Vesta, the goddess of home
and hearth.
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original,
pre-edited Vesta asteroid courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA/PSI.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Eye to Eye, archival
pigment print, 3.88 x 7.5
An emoji whiffle ball hunting for a home considers Jupiter.
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Jupiter image courtesy of NASA/JPL.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Revolution, archival
pigment print, 40.5 x 40.25 (Other sizes may be available.)
Earth as a revolving bowling ball & shocked emoji face inspired
by polar wander of Earths
axis and rotation due to climate change.
©2017 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
Earth image courtesy of NASA, NOAA
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not
on the original outer space images themselves.
Starry Night 2, archival
pigment print, 10.4 x 14.5
Galactic ball and jacks as planet and stars upon which to
make a wish or engage in wishful thinking.
©2013 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
galaxy background image courtesy of NASA, ESA and the Hubble
Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
High Road (C2H5OH), archival
pigment print, 29.9 x 36.9 or 26.6 x 32.9
An ethanol molecule dog escapes from reality while hunting
for a home in the Orion Nebula.
©2022 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Orion nebula background image courtesy of NASA, ESA, M.
(Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA) and the Hubble Space
Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Red Rover, archival pigment
print, 12.5 x 21
A twisty balloon octopus refugee hunting for a home nears
touchdown over Mars. (Red Rover is a reference to the original
Martian Rovers, as well as the game Red Rover, which is
also called Octopus Tag.)
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Mars background image courtesy of NASA/JPL/Cornell.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
When You Wish, archival
pigment print, 24.73 x 38 (Other sizes may be
Galactic ball and jacks as planet and stars upon which to
make a wish or engage in wishful thinking.
©2018 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
M83 Spiral Galaxy background image courtesy of NASA, ESA,
Hubble Heritage team (STScI/AURA).
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Hat Trick, archival pigment
print, 25.188 x 52 (Other sizes may be available.)
A twisty balloon threatened rabbit refugee hunts for a new
home in the Carina Nebula.
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Carina Nebula background image courtesy of NASA, ESA,
N. Smith (U.C. Berkeley), and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA).
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
images themselves.
Many Moons, archival
pigment print, 20x 88 and 11.9 x 52.36
(Other sizes may be available.)
Habitable moons of the Goldilocks zone.
©2018 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
Milky Way background image courtesy of
NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Wisconsin
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Acme, archival pigment
print, 22 5/8 x 30 (Other sizes may be available.)
A party balloon breathing out rises in the heat over the
Grand Canyon.
©2005 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
Earth background image courtesy of Earth Sciences and Image
Analysis Lab, NASA Johnson Space Center
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the
outer space images, but not on the original outer space
images themselves.
Ring, archival pigment
print, 6.56 x 4.25
New moons over the ringed planet.
©2015 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original,
pre-edited Saturn background image courtesy of NASA, JPL,
Space Science Institute
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and
additions to the outer space images, but not on the original
outer space images
Saturns Marble Moon,
archival pigment print, 5.6 x 3.7
New moon over the ringed planet.
©2013 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
Saturn background image courtesy of NASA/JPL/Space Science
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Bounce (Io), archival
pigment print, 10.5 x 10
A duet between a blue moon dodgeball holding its breath
and Io, a Jovian moon.
©2015 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
image courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not
on the original outer space images themselves.
Under the Sun, archival
pigment print, 5 x 5
As the earth warms, a paper plane rises perilously close
to the sun.
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
solar coronal loop background
image courtesy of Solar Dynamics Observatory/NASA.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images,
but not on the original outer space images themselves.
Gloria, archival pigment
print, 26.5 x 31.25 (Other sizes may be available.)
A tiny toy angel flying past the vast Helix Nebula.
©2010 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
Helix Nebula background image courtesy of NASA,
NOAO, ESA, the Hubble Helix Team, M. Meixner (STScI) and
T.A. Rector (NRAO)
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Rover, archival pigment
print, 17 1/8 x 12 3/8
Rover, a threatened species twisty balloon, holds its breath
over Mars.
©2004 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original,
pre-edited Mars background image courtesy of NASA/JPL/Malin
Space Science Systems
©Barbara Noah on the
text, unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Jumbo, archival pigment
print, 29.75 x 32.875 (Other sizes may be available.)
A twisty balloon threatened Asian elephant species holding
its breath in the Orion Nebula.
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Orion nebula background image courtesy
of NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA)
and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original
outer space images themselves.
Number Nine, archival
pigment print, 15.27 x 16.2
A twisty balloon threatened cat species holds its breath
orbiting Earth.
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
Earth background image courtesy
of Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Lab, NASA Johnson Space
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not
on the original outer space images themselves.
Wild Blue Yonder 2, archival
pigment print, 18 x 15.94
The hunt for a new home near the Lagoon Nebula.
©2019 Barbara Noah, all rights
reserved, on changes and additions to the original, pre-edited
nebula background
image courtesy of NASA, ESA, STScI.
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Head Over Heels, archival
pigment print, 25.25 x 52 (Other sizes may be available.)
A rocket girl on a hunt for a home in the Carina Nebula
©2010 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
nebula background image courtesy of NASA, ESA, N,
Smith (U.C. Berkeley), and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
High Hopes, archival
pigment print, 20 x 26 3/4 (Other sizes may be available.)
A paper plane rising over the heat of the Earth glides over
the Pacific Northwest.
©2006 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
Earth background image courtesy of MODIS Rapid Response
Project at NASA/GSFC
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the original outer
space images themselves.
Apogee, archival pigment
print, 15 3/8 x 16 1/4
A twisty balloon threatened dog species holds its breath
rising over the heat of the Earth.
©2004 Barbara Noah, all
rights reserved, on changes and additions to original, pre-edited
Earth background image courtesy of Earth
Sciences and Image Analysis Lab, NASA Johnson Space Center
©Barbara Noah on the text,
unless otherwise noted, and on the changes and additions
to the outer space images, but not on the
original outer space images themselves.